FASCIA GUIDE: Provide people with knowledge about the body in a simple way
The Fascia Guide is an educational project aimed at providing knowledge about the body in an accessible manner.
Our entire understanding of the body is based on studies of dead bodies, of dissected bodies, and of bodies as objects.
The Life Force Innovation Foundation focuses on the living body.
Today, anatomical and physiological studies are conducted according to all the rules of art, challenging our entire understanding of what a living body is, how it works, and what stimulates life.
From this perspective, Life Force Innovation supports research, innovation, and public education leading to innovative activities for the promotion of health and vitality.
The Fascia Guide is an educational project aimed at providing knowledge about the body in an accessible manner.
Swedish Fascia Convention is for people who want to spread and share knowledge and insights about fascia and the living body in an impactful way, thus paving the way for a new paradigm.
Fascia Research Database makes current research accessible to the public, providing knowledge about the body in a simple way.
Fascia Innovation’s diagnostic tools for tissue inflammation and inflammation-related pain will make it easier to understand the causes of currently difficult-to-diagnose and very common conditions such as back pain, frozen shoulder, and whiplash. It will also facilitate the clinical testing of various treatment methods.
Fascia Horse’s measurement tools are designed to give horse owners around the world the ability to themselves examine their horse’s mobility, balance, and posture. This simple approach provides knowledge on how to optimize the well-being of their horses. It is expected to lead to sustainable horses that are healthier, injury-free, and perform better.
–Neil Thiese, Professor of Pathology
Chairman of the board
+46 73 425 77 87
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+46 70 882 19 28
Board member
+46 73 597 69 93
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+46 70 450 08 41
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+46 70 776 04 02